Finding the perfect coffee in London has become a little obsession lately. I consider myself an educated and particular coffee drinker (especially being from Melbourne) so when asked to take part in a market research session on coffee tasting I jumped at the chance.
The recruitment was an over the phone process so the question of being pregnant didn't pop up until I offered the information. The recruiter, after her half an hour questioning efforts sidestepped their company protocol and asked if I could...“hide my bump”?
For a morning of paid coffee tasting – of course I could! So on the morning of, I selected the one item that would disguise the protruding bump – my poncho. With my oversize handbag carried at the front, it worked a treat.
Nao xx
P.S For the concerned readers, I am a one-coffee-a-day drinker and the general advice is a two coffee maximum for the mum-to-be.