I have a chock-a- block wardrobe, you know the scenario – the hangers budge merely a millimetre with the desperate push of force to try and squeeze the freshly pressed laundry back in its hanging place.
The tall boy (certainly not tall enough) is full to capacity, every single draw. Most draws are stored with items that haven’t been peeled from the floral lining since its first outing. Please write to me if you ARE NOT a person whose underwear draw explodes on opening. Bras and knickers for every occasion possible jack-in-the-box out of that draw and form a mountain. The minute you pick what you want to wear it turns to Mount Vesuvius, bras and knickers spilling like lava down the mountain.
I am guilty of an overpopulated underwear draw. Actually, I am guilty of an over populated wardrobe collection full stop. I have my winter heavy’s stored in my BFF’s basement in Connecticut, my formalwear worn once (or never worn and waiting to be) at Mum and Dad’s in Australia and here in London I have an array of lovelies for all occasions that deserve to be worn with pride even if they are a season or three or ten old.
I absolutely have enough to last a year – or so I’m hoping. So join me on this journey of a self diagnosed shopaholic for a year without a purchase– so help me god!
Nao x
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