I am now a spender!! I can't help but buy things. Although thankfully I have actually learnt a great deal through the Flipping Thrift challenge.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Laughing out Loud!!

Yesterday I lent my umbrella to a friend with no hesitation as I was sure I had a spare and wasn’t planning on venturing out again. That evening I get an invitation to The Connaught bar in Mayfair. Rushing out the door, I realise that there is no spare umbrella and the only option is an oversize golf umbrella, bold red and black and splashed with the Wilson logo. Well there was no way I could handle that on the tube and no way had I wanted to walk through Mayfair with that monster. So I left without an umbrella embracing double high hopes that it would not rain on me.

On exiting the tube, the vision in front of me was frightening, wet brollies and wet people shaking themselves off as they descended into the underground. The rain was clearly not settled and I had to get to The Connaught respectably and preferable not drenched. A tempting £2.50 umbrella was staring me in the face and the voice inside me was saying “buy it! Buy it!” It was temping but I am stronger than that. Then a thought crossed my mind “what if I find one”. In that same breathe, there in front of me was a beat-up umbrella that deserved one more outing before it’s mangled self was binned.

Pacing through the refined Mayfair streets with my surrogate brollie I was in absolute hysterics – I could not believe that I was actually doing this. Yes I got looks, stares and complete bazaar confusion walking by me, especially when I stopped on the street for a little self-timed photo shoot.

You know those uncontrollable fits of laughter from deep down within your stomach, the ones that make you laugh so much your stomach aches – that was me and I loved every minute of it. And well the best part was I was on my own and that is the first time I think I have ever shared such a funny funny moment with myself.

I got to the hotel with dry hair and yes I did bin the brollie at the corner before. And you ask me too, was that a better option than the big golf umbrella??? Hmmm
NAO xx

Nao xx

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